Repatriation Movement
Repatriation and Reparations
Petition to the Organization of
African Unity (OAU)
November 29, 2016
Open Letter Calling for International Repatriation
With Reparations Now!!!
Open letter to the Prime Minister of Jamaica and the Jamaica Government on behalf of the Black World of People, Ethiopian African Royal Sons and Daughters.
The Most Rt. Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edwards, founder, leader of The Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress (E.A.B.I.C) Church of Salvation, has established and accomplished a framework to bring forth Freedom Redemption International Repatriation with Compensation through Human Rights & Human Justice, (Article 1-30) of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The E.A.B.I.C has submitted letters and documents, to the United Nations (U.N), International Court of Justice in Hague Netherlands, The Organization for African Unity (O.A.U), now the African Union (A.U), the Arab League and all nations that benefited from Slavery and the Slave Trade, along with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, all are responsible to grant we the people this right.
Glorify the words of The Prime Minister of Jamaica, the Hon. Andrew Holness on the post on his Face Book Page, the words of The Hon. Prophet Marcus Mosiah Garvey “Up you Mighty Race you can accomplish what you will.” Hon. Prime Minister Holness, your call for pardoning of Marcus Garvey in Florida U.S.A was a noble act. Though we fundamentally disagree, as you should not ask for a pardon but exoneration, as the Hon. Prophet was framed. He was innocent of the charges brought against him. Hon. Prime Minister Holness, in your National Heroes Day Message you said, “Sam Sharp fought for slavery not because of personal oppression, but on principle and in selfless devotion to others.” Our National Hero Sam Sharp was selfless in his devotion to the Jamaican people on a national level. The way, in which he fought against slavery, not driven by personal oppression and his conviction to civil liberty. The Rt. Hon. Marcus Garvey, our international hero, was also selfless in his fight for his people internationally as a black liberator, restorer of pride, dignity, and love for our race, with a conviction to returning and restoring our continent of black Ethiopia Africa to its former glory. Hon. Sir, as you stated in your message, “Our National Heroes would want us to carry on their work. Let us not disappoint them.”
“AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS THOSE AT HOME AND US ABROAD….” Was the cry of the Hon. Prophet Marcus Garvey, our Great National and International Hero. It has been the mission of the E.A.B.I.C Church of Salvation under the leadership and guidance of the Most Rt. Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edwards. It was then and it is now. In the late 1980’s and early1990’s, several delegations were sent to the continent of Africa by the Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edwards, to secure the people’s right to return to Africa. A seven member delegation to Ghana West Africa, met with the then Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Dr. Ibn Chambas on the subject of International Repatriation. Dr. Chambas told us “In order for Repatriation to be done, it has to be done on a Government to Government level….. And it can also be done on a people to people level…..” International Protocol dictates this process. Due to the fact that this is a Universal International call for the right of all Black Sons and Daughters four corners of the earth, we’re agitating for this right on a Government to Government level. We will continue to work towards the fulfillment of the cry of Hon. Marcus Garvey through Fundamental Freedom Redemption and International Repatriation with Compensation through Human Rights Human Justice.
We have documented evidence from the United Nations (U.N) through to the International Court of Justice, The O.A.U. (A.U) and all heads of government, along with the United Nations Resolution 728F of the Economic and Social Council, that point to you Hon. Prime Minister and the Jamaica Govt. as the one to fulfill this divine cause. The Head of State of Jamaica, Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, had directed us to you the Prime Minister of Jamaica to initiate this cause. Also we are calling on you to lobby for this right of Freedom Redemption International Repatriation on the floor of the U.N on behalf of the people, as the Official Government Representative of the people. This Lobbying is to be presented to the relevant authorities responsible for legal Repatriation. Calling for the fulfillment of The Universal Negro Improvement Association (U.N.I A) Black Bill of Rights, specifically Articles 13, 14 and 15 put forth by the Hon. Prophet Marcus Garvey on August 1st through 30th in Harlem New York 1920.
Spiritual Document of Right also presented by the E.A.B.I.C and was received by Hon. Sec. General of the O.A.U (A.U) Salim Ahmed Salim on November 8th 1993, namely; International Repatriation and Reparation Petition to the O.A.U (A.U) and a Four Point Agenda Document. All member states agreed to fulfill this cause. We’re looking forward to the Hon. Prime Minister to set a date to receive a Delegation of the E.A.B.I.C Church of Salvation to reason on this matter. This right is for the Black World of people. The police, soldiers, teachers, doctors, nurses, farmers, masons, carpenters, office workers, Judges, lawyers, people in the mad house, the man on the sidewalk, the handcart man, the rich, the poor, the have and the have-nots and those who have no helper, from all walks of life.
We’re calling upon you Mr. Prime Minister to not only reiterate the words of the National Heroes you have mentioned, but also the unsung heroes you have not mentioned, like the Hon. King Emmanuel Charles Edwards. King Emmanuel has sent, come and stand and still standing in we the people of the E.A.B.I.C Church of Salvation to fulfill the right of the above mentioned people, through the words and works of the Hon. Marcus Garvey, “ Africa for the Africans, those at home and us abroad.” Through the words of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I on his 1966 visit to Jamaica. “The people in Ethiopia Africa and the people in Jamaica and the Diaspora are blood brothers and sisters.” This must be done through International Human Rights Law, Articles 1,3,13,15 of the UDHR of which the government of Jamaica is a signatory, along with all member states of the United Nations. May the Almighty God strengthen you to fulfill the right of Freedom Redemption International Repatriation. We leave you with seven words of love; God is love, let us all love.
From The Office the Parliament of the E.A.B.I.C
Office Of The Parliament